NetVips is fast and needs little memory. The NetVips.Benchmarks project tests NetVips against Magick.NET and ImageSharp. NetVips is around 22 times faster than Magick.NET and 4 times faster than ImageSharp.
It has around 300 operations covering arithmetic, histograms, convolution, morphological operations, frequency filtering, colour, resampling, statistics and others. It supports a large range of numeric formats, from 8-bit int to 128-bit complex. Images can have any number of bands.
It supports a good range of image formats, including JPEG, TIFF, OME-TIFF, PNG, WebP, FITS, Matlab, OpenEXR, PDF, SVG, HDR, PPM, CSV, GIF, Analyze, DeepZoom, and OpenSlide. It can also load images via ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick, letting it load formats like DICOM.